The following questions were received from plan purchasers by November
13, 2009. The responses are provided for
clarification to all bidders in
bold after the questions. No additional
questions will be
Q1: During our site visit we noticed a considerable deer population
located within the project boundaries. Will tree shelters be added to the
project planting to ensure the survival of the new plantings? If not
will plants that are lost to deer browse count against the 85% survival
A1: Tree shelters will not be added to
the contract, and all planted
material will need to meet the contract
Q2. Will there be staging areas available on-site for stock piling plant
material? Is there ample room for refrigerated
A2: Staging and stockpile locations are identified on the plan set;
adequate spacing will need to be determined by the
Q3. Do we need to plant containerized material (Tubelings)
during the
dormant season? Tubelings
do not need to be refrigerated and can be
planted at the same time we plant other containerized plants. Did you
think tubelings are in bare root
A3: Planting of Tubelings must follow the special
provision on page 99 of
the Invitation for
Q4. The specification for brush
layering, specifically under
�Installation, paragraph i-1 on page 107 �
calls for the brush layers to
be arranged in a crisscross fashion in 6� thick layers making it
difficult to get an apples to apples quote from a supplier/subcontractor.
It is very difficult to get apples to apples numbers with just a
thickness requirement, can you specify a quantity of
stems per linear
foot instead?
A4: Please bid with the information provided, no new information will be
included in the contract documents.