DSHOA2 Documents (updated 10/19//2020)

HOA Assessment Collection Policy


HOA Assessment Collection Policy


Homeowner’s Information Packet


Homeowner’s Information Packet for 2020 (68 pages)


1.      2020 Approved Budget (2 pages)

2.      General Information for Association Members (5 pages)

3.      Assessment Collection Procedures (3 pages)

4.      Architectural Change Request Form (2 pages)

“Notice of Intent to Make Modifications”

5.      Delinquency Collection Procedures (6 pages)

6.      Discussion of Individual and Community Expectations (4 pages)

7.      Direct Debit Form (1 page) – Not Included!

Note: See link at …Direct Debit Form (Accepted form applies to following year’s assessment!)

8.      Community Directory Information Sheet (1 page)

9.      Community Directory 2012 (21 pages)

Note: See 2020 Directory Removed for security concerns!

– Contact information is actively updated as changes are submitted by homeowners!

-- Text sections will be added after updating is completed.

10.    Summary of Animal Control Laws (3 pages)

11.    Recycling Information and County Services Guide (10 pages)

12.    Note: Ad for Home Improvement Services is no longer valid! (1 page)

13.    Map of Homesites (1 page)

14.    Architectural Guidelines (4 pages)

15.    Policy and Procedure for Violation of Covenants on Architectural Controls (2 pages)

16.    Electronic Voting and Notices Procedures (4 pages)


Legal Documents Filed with Montgomery County Land Records



1. Declarations of Covenants

December 5, 1981 (4 Pages)

2. Articles of Incorporation of Derwood Station Homeowners Association, No.2, Inc.

July 12, 1982 (11 Pages)

3. Declaration of Covenants, Covenants (Conditions) and Restrictions

July 2, 1982 (19 Pages)

4. Bylaws, Derwood Station Homeowners Association, No.2, Inc.

July 12, 1982 (15 Pages)

5. Amendments to ByLaws

April 27, 2011


  Architecture Control:

·        Architectural Modification Form

·        NOTE: All architectural modification plans resulting in external changes to your property should be submitted to TMGA on the following form for review by the ARC before work is initiated:

1.      PDF File - can be printed and mailed or FAXed or scanned/photographed and emailed to TMGA

2.      WORD .doc - File can be edited online and submitted to TMGA’s Sheela Sullivan at SSullivan@TMGAInc.com.


Other Documents:


Map of Derwood Station Homesites


Board of Directors Policy Log – November 20, 2008



Other Documents: Site under construction!



Board of Directors Policy on Costs Incurred by the Association - March 17, 1987 (1 page)


Collection of Delinquent Assessments - December 15, 1992 (2 pages) !! Needs re-scan!!


Maintenance and Use of Capital Reserves - July 12, 1993 (2 pages) !! Missing/Needs re-scan!!


Expenditure of Capital - August 24, 1999 (1 page)



Common Area

 Obstruction/Encroachment Policy - August 19, 1986 (2 pages)


Miscellaneous Documents

By Law Amendments

·        Included in Revised Amended ByLaws


TotLot Shared Use Agreement with DSS (updated 190830)

Board Check Cashing Policy


DSHOA2 By-Laws, Covenants and Incorporation Documents


Our Documents and Modifications

Articles of Incorporation of Derwood Station Homeowners Association, No. 2, Inc. - July 12, 1982 (11 pages) * searchable pdf


Declaration of Covenants, Covenants [Conditions] and Restrictions - July 12, 1982 (19 pages) * searchable pdf


Bylaws, Derwood Station Homeowners Association, No. 2, Inc. - July 12, 1982 (15 pages) * MISSING ALTERNATE PAGES!!



Declaration of Covenants - December 5, 1981 (4 pages) * searchable pdf


Board of Directors Resolution to Define House Trailer - April 21, 1987 (1 page)


Board of Directors Resolution Correction of Declaration of Covenants - September 6, 1988 (1 page)


Board of Directors Resolution Definition of "Junk Vehicle" - September 6, 1988 (1 page)


Board of Directors Resolution Definition of "On Any Lot" - September 6, 1988 (1 page)


Board of Directors Definition of Closer to the street line than the rear wall of the house - November 15, 1988 (1 page)


Board of Directors Definition of "Truck over one half (1/2) ton" - June 8, 1989 (1 page)


Amendment to Bylaws [Article XIV, Section 2 & Article IV, Section 3] - October 8, 1992 (1 page)

·        Included in Revised Amended ByLaws


Amendment to Bylaws [Article IV, Section 2] - February 26, 1996 (3 pages)

·        Included in Revised Amended ByLaws


Board of Directors Resolution Annual Meeting after Failure to Achieve a Quorum - July 28, 1999 (2 pages) * searchable pdf