From:                                   John Maleri []

Sent:                                    Thursday, July 13, 2017 4:46 PM

To:                                        Laszlo Harsanyi

Cc:                                        Darlene Robbins; Gary & Dianne Palmer; Barry Wolcott;; Tom Jordan; John Redmon;; Hilliard; Stephon Collins; Georgia Baldwin

Subject:                                Re: Derwood Station HOA No. 2 Project Update 5.17.2017 Question


Hello Laszlo,


Thanks for reaching out.  I am glad you asked because Darlene was kind enough to put together a document for your review that has some examples of bioswales and conservation landscaping images that will give you an idea of what yours will look like.  The file is very large and most likely won't send over email. Right now is contained in Dropbox.  If it is easiest, I can share directly with you Laszlo, and you can disperse to the group?


Please note that within this document all images are representational and not intended to show exactly what your site will look like, but it should give you a pretty good idea.  In fact, I think the first image on the second page under Vegetated Swale Examples is an excellent representation of how this design could look.


We also included some examples of the main plants within the design as well.  With proper growth, grasses and plants will be combined within the garden for a full but diverse look. Darlene decided on the plants utilizing her vast knowledge of regional native species to create a design that will not only look beautiful but also most effectively manage the water coming out of the downspout.  If you have more questions regarding this let me know and I can get some more details from her.  


Regarding maintenance, an estimation of the cost if a little difficult to make at the moment without understanding how the tasks will be handled on your end.  Some tasks can be completed by volunteers, like weeding and monitoring, others could be better handled by contractors, like watering or completing any necessary structural work (note that we built in a budget for watering this garden during the first year, so you are covered there).  If it would be helpful, we can most likely approximate an hourly total for the tasks listed in the Maintenance Plan.


Let me know how this all sounds or if you have any more questions.











On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Laszlo Harsanyi <> wrote:

Darlene and  John – I’m sure you are busy, but if you get a chance, please
respond to this and my forwarded email request. I started google-ing the
plants in your design and several appear to be high grasses that may
overshadow the shorter plants. How did you pick the complement and
arrangement of the plants?

·        Did you have specific versions/genuses of the plants? When I google
images, I get quite a variety.

·        Do you have images you can send me of the specific plants you

·        What periodic maintenance do you foresee for these interesting and
colorful plants?

o   For example …

o   For Andropogon virginicus I found the following image link:


o   For Carex Appalachia:


o   For Amsonia tabernaemontana ‘Blue ice’:


o   ForAsclepias tuberose:



László Harsányi

DSHOA2 President

7228 Titonka Way

301-569-6722 (home)

301-651-7596 (cell)

From: Laszlo Harsanyi []
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:29 AM
To: 'John Maleri'; 'To: Georgia Baldwin'; 'Cc: Darlene Robbins'
Cc: ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''
Subject: RE: Derwood Station HOA No. 2 Project Update 5.17.2017

John and Darlene – Thanks for the update. The Board of Directors approved
your final design at last night’s BOD meeting with one abstention. We look
forward to approval by CBT.

We would like a visual (photo? Illustration?), if possible, of a
cross-section of the design so we can appreciate the planting profile
(height and thickness) after one year and after 5 years. Do you have any
projects that we could visit or of which you could send us photographs?

We would also like an estimate of the annual maintenance costs for our
budgeting purposes.


László Harsányi

DSHOA2 President

7228 Titonka Way

301-569-6722 (home)

301-651-7596 (cell)



John Maleri

Program Manager- Volunteers, Outreach, Restoration


Rock Creek Conservancy

4300 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 304

Bethesda, MD 20814 
301.579.3105 |


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