YARD TRIM COLLECTION … from the Montgomery County Solid Waste website.Click on Link to: DSHOA2 2006 VTF News – updated 13 June 2006



·         Yard trimmings, including branches, will be picked up on our regularly scheduled weekly recycling day (usually Tuesday) if packaged appropriately …

You can bag it...

Please place leaves, grass, brush, and other yard trimmings in large paper bags (available at most grocery stores, home improvement stores, and garden centers). The total weight of the bag must be 45 pounds or less.

Or can it...

Save money and use reusable containers, such as trash cans. Cans must be marked "Yard Trim" to ensure proper collection. Use the free Yard Trim decals available at Montgomery County libraries, Regional Service Centers, or by ordering online or calling our Customer Service Line at 240-777-6410. Total weight CANNOT exceed 45 pounds per container. Be sure the "Yard Trim" decal faces the street.

Or bundle it...

Brush can also be tied into bundles with twine. Bundles should not exceed 30 inches in diameter. Each branch should not be larger than 4 feet in length, and 4 inches in diameter. Total weight must be 45 pounds or less per bundle.